BEAUTIFUL is a five-week program that aligns YOUR energy template to the true Soul YOU.

Beauty is a frequency that is generated from the energy of LOVE created in the heart.   LOVE is activated to express as physical, mental and soul beauty with the very powerful UltraLight energy frequencies transmitted.



The Beautiful program only requires reading a short daily affirmation and listening on five consecutive days in each of five consecutive weeks. 

Week 1 - Energy Preparation | Judy prepares you for the BEAUTIFUL series with a meditation to instil the energy vibrations of beauty and inner radiance within the cells of the body.

Week 2 - Beauty of Heart | Activates compassion for self and others. Resonance of gratitude, commitment to see things through with ease and grace and a lightness of being. 

Week 3 - Beauty of Mind | Includes endocrine balancing, and the energy qualities of kindness, non- judgement, grace and releasing habitual patterns of inner stress and anxiety. Also activated this week are the qualities of being steadfast and determined to create a desired outcome, but with EASE, not with EFFORT.

Week 4 - Beauty of Body | Works with very specific energy frequencies directly received into the cellular template of the body designed to enhance and beautify.

Week 5 - Beauty of Soul | Features energy frequencies to help you connect with your authentic soul truth and support integration of your body as part of the human evolutionary upgrade process we are all a part of.

"Beauty is a vibration that harmonizes features, enhances eyes and adds a special glow that goes way beyond physical beauty. True beauty radiates from the soul, shining through physical form and BEAUTIFUL aligns the harmonics of the energy template that is the true Soul YOU. "

Beautiful features frequencies of sound and light called UltraLight, coming from a new fifth dimensional energy spectrum.

In this recording Judy shares what can you expect from the Ultralight frequencies in Beautiful. And more about how this Energy work with, and supports our 5th dimensional human template.

"I honestly feel that BEAUTIFUL is the most life changing program that I have ever received from Spirit and so important for us all at this time.

If you listen to these energy frequencies repetitively you will transform in body and mind. The energy that YOU BECOME, will flow right back to you in the living of YOUR LIFE and in YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCE." 

I invite you to join me

"I'm on week 3 and so much energy is releasing from my neck and head! I feel calm and centered at work and I'm working through the piles of paperwork with ease and grace. Thank you Judy, this is amazing!"

Barbara S.

"During weeks 2 and 3, I experienced emotional detoxing. Old, heavy thoughts, beliefs and emotions are just popping up one after the other to be released."

Teresa L.

"Since starting the Beautiful Program it seems that my mind and my heart are being expanded moment by moment. It is amazing."

Yvonne L.

There are two ways to access BEAUTIFUL

Option 1 / One-Time Purchase 

Get full access to the complete Beautiful Masterclass, including mentoring blog, and study guide.

Plus you receive unlimited on-demand access through our Ascension Library portal for easy listening on any device.

USD $220 PURCHASE | One-Time Payment

Option 2 / Library Membership

Get on-demand access to the complete Beautiful Masterclass, mentoring program and study guide.

PLUS, unlimited access to your customised Ascension Library portal where you will discover a curated selection of audio-based meditations, energy transmissions, live video events, short-courses, e-books, and master-classes created by Judy Satori.  

These 'energy tools' from Spirit, are designed to activate your human potential and anchor Ascension energies.


"I just finished week 1, and somehow I have lost weight, and find it easier to follow my better eating habits...usually I start and then fall off the wagon so to speak. "

Aniz H.

"I am buzzing all over with this high Ultralight frequency. I’m blissful, in stillness that I can only describe as serenity from another world! I’m really noticing profound change within myself, how I feel and my body / face is glowing."

Judy B.

"Since started the Beautiful Program it seems that my mind and my heart are being expanded moment by moment. It is amazing."

Yvonne L.

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