In this recording the Archangel Metatron works with us to amplify the energy that has been built up in the Etheric Level reservoir of energy in track one of Light - Life DNA Recoding was then brought into the cells of the body in track four, Etheric Transposition.
Archangel Metatron is understood to be the bringer of God’s light to the world of form, acting rather like a step-down transformer of that creation energy.
This new Library offering for October will amplify this energy and lead to even greater vitality and feelings of heightened life force and physical well-being. It is like dialing up the volume to amplify the effects of tracks 1-4.
Just sit or lie, relax your body and mind and listen. This recording is very physically regenerative and will help your skin to glow with an inner radiance. The cells of the body will be infused with light, which is coming from the infinite source of ALL.
Energy will come from Amenti to recreate you with platinum-diamond light. Every time you listen to this the work that you have done by listening to tracks 1 - 4 these past few months will augment and strengthen. This will accrue and grow stronger and stronger and you will FEEL BETTER AND BETTER! JUST LISTEN!
This energy is alchemical spiritual MAGIC from Source, designed to support us through Ascension upgrade changes, as is every recording in the library. We are moving through a process of Ascension transformation that is taking us way beyond what we know and who we have EVER known ourselves to be. Track six, RADIATE, coming in December will complete the series for this year.
The full 'Light-Life DNA Recoding' program (plus 1000+ other programs, audio & video) is available as part of Library membership!