Join Ascension expert Judy Satori onĀ aĀ spiritually guidedĀ six-week process to spark transformation in your life... free registration below.Ā 


Register now and receive instant access to Episode 1: Self-Revelation'. 

Each week you will receive an email guiding you to the next episode in the series. 

 Each weekly episode features a teaching session and 'ultralight' energy transmissions to physically, emotionally and energetically prepare you to write a new chapter in your life and adapt to earth changes with strength and resilience.

Ep1: Self-Revelation

Who are you REALLY? Remember your authentic soul and human truth in step one of a six part BREAKING THROUGH series.

Ep2: Seeding Change

Transform into a stronger, resilient human being, so we can begin to co-create together with greater insight and inspiration.

Ep3: Enlightenment

Powerful energy transmissions to uplift and expand consciousness to allow you to move through the alchemy of transformation. 

Ep4: Alchemy

A process of recalibration and inner change. A time to be still and to BE ... to trust the process and take heart.  Open your heart and rejoice.

Ep5: Metamorphosis

What is possible for you in your new expanded world? Be energetically empowered to step forward on a path of purpose and DO IT! 

Ep6: Expanded Vision

Inspiration, excitement and passion for new possibilities of creation .. NOT from force of will, but from the grace of BEING AS YOU ARE.

Jan R.

This was amazing and wonderful. I waited until late at night even though I had this cued up on my computer. I was feeling a bit hopeless and lonely and just a bit upset today that I hadn't done things that I had promised myself to do. Maybe those things did not need to get done yet. 

I listened with headphones and I feel that made all the difference! I felt the energy run through me like a jolt of lightning and it was very powerful in my hands and head and heart especially! I feel much relieved of the heaviness and upset that I felt earlier! Thank you so much for being the great soul that you are and that you share with all of us!!!"

Margaret H

This teaching session was and is a profound gift, and it could not have come at a more significant time. I simply had to listen, and curiously, I did feel a presence in my BEINGNESS, even though I do not normally 'respond' this way.

I have been waiting for this for some time, and having had my feathers ruffled significantly over the last few days, this was the portal I needed to walk through back to my essential loving and peaceful Presence. Wow! A glorious spa for the soul! Thank you Judy for retrieving Soul Parts. Just Lovely! Hugs galore!”

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