The Songs of Sirius is dedicated by the Spiritual hierarchy to all of you who came to Earth to hold the Light of God, the Oneness of Creation.
The number 12.12 is a sacred code that allows us to access a portal of greater ENLIGHTENMENT. What is actually happening for approximately three days around the time of 12.12, 12 December, is that a portal is opening to allow energies of more expanded light to flow to Earth and to us as people. This is why I felt that it was important to hold the 12.12 Songs of Sirius energy activation event at this time.
12.12 is, therefore, a powerful gateway of transformation and even though you might listen/watch at a later date the portal is OPEN and you will still receive the same benefits when you listen to the replay. The time period 2020–2033 is a powerful Ascension activation and upgrade portal for us as human beings. More of our authentic soul light and soul wisdom is being activated to express into our present-day selves.
Ascension is the divinely planned activation of more of our true human potential within the human DNA code to switch on and express. Joining Judy on this call were Yantara Jiro from Singapore, now residing in Japan, and Jodi Serota from New York City, as well as Anabell Ariah, the Community Manager of the Ascension Library.
✨ The Songs of Sirius | LIVE event replay ✨
The two hours of information and energy transmissions, in six 20/minute segments are available in this recording 👇 see show notes available below the video for an expanded overview.
Songs of Sirius | Shownotes (Click to open)
✨ The Siriun Prayer | A gift from the Heart ❤️

The Siriun Prayer of the heart is an ancient blessing. A sound and light code from Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. The star that at one time long ago many of the souls on earth today. In other bodies living other lives called home.
When you hear this prayer, your soul will remember and reconnect to a more expanded version of who you once were as an eternal being and the memory chip of your true strength, love, and light that lies within cellular memory.
When you hear this prayer, your soul will remember and reconnect to a more expanded version of who you once were as an eternal being and the memory chip of your true strength, love, and light that lies within cellular memory. And every one of the trillions of cells of your body will be activated to vibrate more strongly.

Judy Satori is an internationally recognized energy healer working with multi-dimensional sound and light frequencies and their impact on the human energy field.
She is a spiritual channel, teacher, speaker, and author. She verbally transmits energy words of New Creation from Source that activate immediate change at the level of the DNA template and cells of the body.
Her work also serves to clear emotional blocks and energy imbalances that limit the expansion of consciousness. Her online Ascension Library, is a portal to hundreds of her audio and video programs; energy tools from Spirit for rapid Ascension upgrade and the activation of human potential.
Read her Article - A Star called SIrius
Yantara Jiro spoke about his work and the ‘sound and light worlds’ that he accesses. He shared his Song of Sirius, ‘Kuleshtana’, which literally means BEAUTIFUL.
Yantara Jiro is an explorer of sound and consciousness who uses Sound Medicine and Quantum Healing in his work. Yantara has produced four albums, Star Journey (2012), Crystal Rainbows (2014), Gifts of Blessings (2014), and Heart Sutra (2020).
His exploration of sound healing led him to understand that the language of energy is beyond comprehension and the perception of each content corresponds only to the level of consciousness of that individual and changes as one raises their vibrations. Yantara inspires to spread the message of love and harmony by raising consciousness and the power of sound.
More from Yantara

Jodi Serota spoke about her own life journey as a ‘walk in’ and shared her metaphysical art, using spoken sound and light codes to amplify their effects.
Jodi Serota is a Metaphysical Educator, Channel, Vibrational Sound & Light Language Healer, and Professional Artist. Her in-depth intuitive abilities and remarkable sound healing powers are used to create initiations and activations which instantly make major shifts in consciousness and healing. She holds individual Channeled Akashic Record Reading/Healing Sessions, Teaches Classes & Creates Multi- Media Concerts and Events for Personal Growth, Healing, Transformation & The Creative Process.
Her work is visual, audible, and kinesthetic and opens the Gateway To The Multidimensional Heart. For nine years she was also the Owner & Creator of META Center New York. (Multidimensional Education and Transformational Arts Center).
More from Jodi
Anabell Ariah shared a discussion with Judy about programs in the Ascension Library that support soul expansion through the human body and our return to soul authenticity.
Anabell is the Ascension Library’s Community Manager. She is an excellent multi-dimensional spiritual channel and sound healer and has worked to compassionately support cancer patients.
Anabell speaks English, German and Italian. She is the host of two weekly Sunday programs for Ascension Library members, ‘Ascension and YOU, Sunday calls of INSPIRATION’, timed both morning and evening to suit different time zones.
Ascension & You | Call of Inspiration