Dear starseekers,

I am sitting at 31,000 feet as I write these words to you today, en route from Dublin to Vancouver. I want to write about ABOVE and BELOW and share some of the ‘otherworldly’ experiences that I have been having with Spirit in the three weeks that I have been in Ireland. 

2024, the “Year of the Dragon” is a watershed between old and new. Some of you may have been feeling rather lost as your previous way of life becomes untenable, and some of you may already be feeling the exhilaration and anticipatory excitement that I am feeling as I prepare to embrace the NEW.


And ushering in the NEW is EXACTLY what 2024 is all about. It is time of powerful Ascension upgrade and reset for a new beginning. 


As we enter the last trimester of the year, Spirit says this:

Do not be overly concerned about how you feel physically. Your body is upgrading to recalibrate and to prepare for the next wave of Ascension activation. The physical body must be prepared to be a better energy conduit. The Truth and the Way of the Soul must be activated within heart and mind and be anchored within consciousness, (how you think and feel and operate in the world) so that you might take a giant leap forward into increasing Enlightenment.


This time period is an opening into greater creative and Creator energy. Its purpose? So that we might BECOME and BE more of the energy of INFINITE SOURCE, the God-self within. 


How has this affected me personally, particularly during my time in Ireland? 

  •  All year long I have been asked by my guides to travel – to India, Uluru, Egypt, New York, Ireland, and now to Vancouver.  This is a lot of travel and tiring at times and yet it has been necessary for me to visit these places to prepare energetically for the next stage of my life’s work and to be a better conduit for what is coming for all of us in 2025 and beyond. 
  • I have experienced a lot of physical clearing during the year. This has been taxing, but it is energy preparation for a much deeper level of cellular transformation, designed to lead to more advanced physical body upgrade, transformation, and regeneration in 2025. 
  • This deep change at a cellular level, which also involves the deepest level of karmic clearing at the level of cells, and the DNA template puffs up the cells and can make you feel bloated, dare I say fat, tired, and not at your best. You might feel stiff, aching and experience inflammation in the body. I have recently experienced an infection in both eyes. I know that this is so I can see life and my human path ahead through new eyes. You might feel called as I am to change your diet and to eat lighter meals and mainly plants. You may feel to get out and walk more, to do yoga or Chi Gong.
  • In Ireland, I was guided to many ancient sites by two lovely Earth angels, Louise and Olive, and in these sacred places of the land I connected to the ancient God race of Ireland, the Tuatha De Dannan. I am not from Ireland in this lifetime, but my soul remembers. 
  • The KEY is the HEART – to deliberately generate LOVE within the heart and to connect through Heart-Mind with God-Mind.  Listen to the Beauty, Love, Joy and Light meditation recently added to the Ascension library and to Light-Life DNA - Metatronic Advancement meditation added this month.


Today, I also I want to share the story of the Tuatha De Dannan. It is a story of Above and Below. The recording you will hear was from my event held near Dublin in the heartland of ancient Bru na Boinne. 

The Tuatha De Dannan were a mystical godlike race who are said to have inhabited Ireland between the ages of myth and history, arriving in a magical mist before being displaced by the Milesians, the ancestors of the modern Irish people. They are often associated with powerful supernatural abilities, the mastery of arts and crafts, and are considered the deities or fairy folk of ancient Irish mythology.

They are said to have had magical powers, but were finally defeated in battle by the Milesians, new invaders from Spain around 1700 BCE, according to mythological tradition..  A truce was called and it was negotiated the Milesians would rule the surface world of Ireland, while the Tuatha De Dannan would go underground to inhabit the Otherworld.  They became known as the Sidhe, the faery folk of Ireland. There are approximately 47,000 stone circles or faery rings in the Emerald Isle. They have always been well respected and protected by the people.  I did not know before I went but my journey to Ireland was to reconnect with the Tuatha De Dannan so that I might be a better bridge between Above and Below. This is so that we might all connect more to the LIGHT of the soul as this is our unfolding Ascension journey. It has been quite an adventure and as the Tuatha De Dannan began to share their wisdom and speak through me, my own human story is unfolding – in the perfect time and in the perfect way. 



Special places of the Tuatha De Dannan


Standing in front of the statue of Eriu - Uisneach:

The Hill of Uisneach, located in County Westmeath, Ireland, is an ancient ceremonial site that is considered to be the symbolic centre of Ireland and in mythology associated with the Goddess Eriu and the Tuatha De Dannan.


View from the Hill of Uisneach



The cat stone - Uisneach, Ireland


Group photo from ireland event 



The recordings mentioned by Judy as well as hundreds of other transformative transmissions are available as part of Ascension Library Membership.

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More articles and recordings:

Coming Event – Judy at Glebe House, Dublin

Finding the Way of the Soul – Activating truth within heart and mind

Initiation in the Land of Khem – Egypt 2025 Update