Dear starseekers,

I am sitting at 31,000 feet as I write these words to you today, en route from Dublin to Vancouver. I want to write about ABOVE and...

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In this recording the Archangel Metatron works with us to amplify the energy that has been built up in the Etheric Level reservoir of energy in track ...

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 Judy Says: If you have been listening to tracks 1-4 reasonably regularly - one track per day on each of four days of the week then you should feel pr...

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Last week Judy presented “The Activation of Human DNA Potential’, a three-day course held at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies near Rhinebeck, ...

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Those of you with a pull towards the Faery folk will adore this setting! It is situated next to Dowth, one of the sister mounds of the Boyne Valley, w...

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The energy of beauty, whether it is in nature, watching a beautiful sunset, or admiring a mountain view certainly lifts the spirits. It nurtures the s...

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From Judy: A new transmission designed to help to detoxify the blood was added to the Library during August. I asked Spirit to transmit the correct fr...

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Sacred Site Tour of Egypt with Judy Satori and Sameeta Nanjiani

Priority Bookings open September 5
General Bookings open September 15 
(information wil...

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Dear Ascension Library Community,

I’m Leticia, Judy's friend and neighbour, it was a true honor to be part of your monthly call, sharing the healing ...

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Are you feeling excited and passionate about life, or a bit blah or ho hum! 

Life in the body is a special gift to our soul. It should be happy and m...

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Purpose, Passion Peace, a 10-minute meditation for HOPE renewed, to bring you strength of purpose and a feeling of excitement, positive anticipation, ...

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I have received a number of reports about inorganic ‘nanoparticles’ being identified in people’s blood when the blood is examined under a microscope. ...

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We know times have been tough for people worldwide and we've been listening! From September 1, 2024, we will be offering a second tier of Ascension Li...

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LIVE at The Omega Institute, Reinbeck, New York, 23-25 August 2024 

Join Judy at the Omega Institute, New York from 23-25 August to experience this t...

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For many people, June has been a watershed month, a transition between old and new, and not without its ups and downs. 

If you’ve been caught up in a...

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Judy’s Story: "My time in Egypt in 2024 was a powerful time of transformation. We began in Cairo, traveled to Aswan and the Temple of Isis at Philae, ...

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Ascension Library
Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 4 – Etheric Transposition

We began the Light-Life DNA Recoding series in January with Episode 1 - Etheric Body Upgrade to build a reservoir of energy within the first etheric l...

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Are you finding it hard to concentrate, feeling overstimulated or forgetful? Are you experiencing mental overload and your nervous system feels stress...

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Ascension Library
Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 3 – The Blood, River of New Life

We began the Light-Life DNA Recoding series in January with Episode 1 - Etheric Body Upgrade to build a reservoir of energy within the first etheric l...

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Dear starseekers,

I am told by Spirit that June will be a powerful time of bringing in new information and broadening our horizons. We are being open...

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Dear Starseekers,

This month we are releasing a new program into the library, PROTECTION, to support those of you who are energetically sensitive, an...

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May 8, 4pm EDT, Protection For Sensitive Souls, Lightworkers Connection Call with Juliet Herman

Are you wondering how to protect yourself from lower ...

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Are you feeling psychically attacked or that other people are treating you harshly? Have you ever walked into a room and felt the energy shift to lowe...

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Wesak is the annual celebration of birth, enlightenment and death, or the passing into the greater Light of the Buddha. According to tradition, on the...

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