ASCENSION is the process by which the human species is being upgraded from its original form of creation to become more evolved, more capable, and mor...
In 2012 Judy had a dream to curate her collection of spiritual recordings into an online ‘Ascension Library’ - a portal for Human Advancement. After m...
What a week! 33 people joined me at Mana for the Sunshine Before the Dawn Retreat, a seven-day Spirit-led process to rewrite one's script for life. Th...
The years 2020-2033 are a powerful time of transformation. We are being energetically prepared as part of a divinely designed ASCENSION PLAN to expres...
"I began to understand the significance of the stars Antares and Aldebaran when I was first writing my book Sunshine Before the Daw...
The Sunshine Before the Dawn Retreat with Judy Satori (taking place from 13-20 August at Mana Retreat Centre, Coromandel, New Zealand) is a RESET for ...
The second episode of the second season of Judy's Lives will be all about the story and energies of Judy's beloved book 'Sunshine Before the Dawn'.
Welcome to the latest feature on the Ascension Library Blog: Introducing the Team! It's no secret that it takes a village to run any community, and th...
Dear Starseeds,
As I write to you today, I am at Glebe House in the Boyne Valley near Dublin, Ireland. This is an area of several sacred sites. See t...
Get ready for the first episode of the second season! Freshly energized from her adventures in Europe, Judy will be covering the release of her new R...
The seven days of the Sunshine Before the Dawn retreat will be presented as an unfolding and evolving story. You will be guided by the words and energ...

Physical Regeneration Alchemy is one of the most powerful programs Judy has channeled to date, and will be live in the Library as of 15th June 2023! I...
Here we are in May, the fifth month of the year. The number 5 means CHANGE and, my goodness, change has certainly arrived!
For some time I have been ...

On 14th June we are releasing REGENERATION ALCHEMY into the Ascension Library. This set of recordings works at the fifth level of the body’s energy fi...
I am guided to hold a TRILOGY of three face-to-face international events in 2023. When I transmit energy, grounding words are always repeated three t...

Do you often feel overwhelmed by your never-ending ‘to-do’ list? Do you wake in the early hours of the morning mentally going over that list and tryin...
May the love of God come into this space, into my mind and into my heart,
In the stillness let the word of God speak, BE at peace, BE at peace, BE a...
In April’s Ascension Library LIVE with Judy Satori, we will be merging with the energies of 22 galaxies of the multi-dimensional ‘Diamond, a grouping ...
In session two of our three-part ‘Codes of Light’ series, we explore chapter 3, light codes 17-24, especially with respect to how they relate to our b...

Calming and restorative music with embedded subliminal light language codes by Judy Satori, designed to be listened to by children, or played in the b...
Planet Earth is going through a time period of rapid change and recalibration. The energy and consciousness changes affecting us are also affecting th...

In New Zealand, this past week Cyclone Gabrielle has caused a swathe of wet and muddy destruction. The city I live in is unscathed, but my heart goes...
There are three distinct stages that everyone goes through during the process of Ascension, which affects us all physically and in consciousness. Asce...
SEASON ONE - 2023 - JUDY SATORI LIVE: These 90-minute webinars are hosted by Judy Satori and the Ascension Library. There are nine shows which are ...
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